Special Notice to Students (FERPA)
Linfield University annually informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. This, with which Linfield University intends to comply fully, was designated to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by Linfield University to comply with the Act. Local policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by Linfield University for compliance with the provisions of the Act.
The policy can be found in the University Catalog.
Linfield University Disclosure of Directory Information
Linfield University designates the following student information as “Directory Information.” Items listed below may be released for any purpose at the discretion of Linfield University unless the student requests that the information be withheld.
Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, dates of attendance, class standing, previously attended institution(s), major and minor(s), awards, honors, degree(s) conferred including dates, past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (height and weight of athletes), date and place of birth.
Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, a student has the right to withhold Directory Information. Should a student decide to inform Linfield University not to release Directory Information, any future requests for such information from non-institutional persons or organizations will be refused. This includes, but is not limited to, verification of enrollment for any purpose, listing in any campus directories, listing on the Dean’s list or other public recognitions, inclusion in any campus publications, etc.
Linfield University will honor a student’s request to withhold Directory Information but does not assume responsibility for contacting the student for subsequent permission to release information regardless of effect it may have. Linfield University assumes no liability for honoring a student’s request to withhold Directory Information.
Linfield University Release of Information
Linfield University students may elect to release some or all of their information to a third party, such as a parent or guardian. This consent is given in WebAdvisor and may be removed at any time.
For questions regarding this notification or FERPA, please contact our office.