Jesus Ilundain-Agurruza
Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza
Professor, Department Chair

T.J. Day Hall 309
Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza is professor and chair of the Linfield University Department of Philosophy, which he joined in 2006. During his tenure, he has received the 2011-12 Samuel H. Graf Faculty Achievement Award and was 2008-09 Allen & Pat Kelley Faculty Scholar. A former president of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS), he also acted as conference chair for the association. He is the recipient of IAPS' 2021-2022 Warren Fraleigh Distinguished Scholar Award as well as the 2013 Heather Reid Distinguished Service Award. He is book review editor for the journal, Sport, Ethics & Philosophy. He published "Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performance: Skillful Striving" (Routledge 2016), co-edited a book on philosophy and cycling, and published widely in specialized journals as well as dozens of book chapters in edited collections on comparative philosophy, martial arts and sports. An avid cyclist, swimmer and freediver, he also enjoys a good sparring bout with his blunt steel longswords and katana.
- B.S. in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh with honors
- M.A. in philosophy and M.S. in sociology of sport; Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Select publications (see CV for full list)
- Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performance: Skillful Striving. 2016. London: Routledge.
Edited version of a two-volume Special Issue monograph, Skillful Striving: Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performative Endeavors:(200,000 words/370 pp.). See section on Journal Articles and Book Chapters, Please.
- Editor, with Michael W. Austin, Cycling—Philosophy for Everyone: A Philosophical Tour the Force. Wiley & Blackwell. 2010.275 pages. Also published in German. Die Philosophie des Radfahrens. Mairish Verlag. 2013.
2018 – Forthcoming (F) or Under Review (R)
- Chapter (F): Culture in mind – An enactivist account: Not cognitive penetration but cultural permeation. With Hutto, D., Gallagher, S., J., & Hipólito, I. In Culture, mind, and brain: Emerging concepts, models, application.sL. J. Kirmayer, S. Kitayama, C. M. Worthman, R. Lemelson, & C. A. Cummings (Eds.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
- Chapter (F): High Performance, Risk Sports, and Japanese Thought and Culture, [PI] with Krein, K. and Ericson, K. The MIT Press Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology. Cappuccio, M. Ed. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Article (F): With D. Hutto. Selfless Activity and Experience: Radicalizing Minimal Self-Awareness Special Issue: The Relational Self - Basic Forms Of Self-Awareness. TOPOI, an International Journal of Philosophy.
- Chapter (R):Dewey Goes the Distance: On Habit, Radical Enactivism, and Endurance Sports[PI] with Gallagher S., Hutto D, Beam, K. American Pragmatism and Endurance Sports. D. Hochstetler (Ed.). Lexington Books.
- Chapter (R): Self- and other-awareness in joint expert performance, with Gallagher, S. The Routledge Handbook of Skill and Expertise. Pavese C. and Fridland E. Routledge. (Eds.). London: Routledge.
- Article: (F): Encuentro EH y JP: Apuntes para una filosofía del deporte radical y global, El futuro de los juegos y deportes tradicionales en los márgenes de la globalización deportiva.Kazuyuki Taketani, (Ed.). University of Kobe Press.
- Academic – Journal Articles & Book Chapters – Peer Reviewed
- 2018.“On The Compatibility Between Confucianism And modern Olympism,” with Leo Hsu, Journal of Chinese Philosophy.DOI: 10.1111/1540-6253.12241
- 2017. “Muscular Imaginings—A Phenomenological and Enactive Model for Imagination.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. 2017. 11 (1): 92/108.
- 2017. “A Different Way to Play: Holistic Sporting Experiences In Philosophy: Sport.Macmillan interdisciplinary handbooks, edited by R. Scott Kretchmar. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan: 319–343.
- 2017. High-level Enactive and Embodied Cognition in Expert Sport Performance, with Kevin Krein, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 11 (3): 370-384.
- 2016. “Taijiquan and the Body without Organs” with Tien-Deng Yu. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport.2016. 43 (3): 424-439.
- 2016, “Sports and Disciplined Movement – Paths To Stimulating Strivings” Recerca: Revisa de Pensament I Anàlisi.18: 49-72.
- 2015.From Unskilled Failure to Skillful Fluency: A phenomenological analysis of and Eastern solution to sport’s choking effect. Special issue on Choking in Sport. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.Cappuccio, M. (Ed.). 2015.DOI10.1007/s11097-014-9408-5. (2). 397-421.
- 2015. “Eastern Philosophy” in Handbook for the Philosophy of Sport. [PI] with Hata Takayuki. Morgan, W. and McNamee, M. (Eds.) (London: Routledge). 98-114.
Monograph: Skillful Striving: Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performative Endeavors
2014. Part I. Essays 1-5. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. 8 (3): 221-342.
- Preface.221-222
- Introduction—Skillful Striving: Holism and the Cultivation of Excellence in Sports and Performative Endeavors. 223-229.
- 1– Nothing New Under the Sun: Holism and the Pursuit of Excellence. 230-257.
- 2 – William James—Pragmatic Pioneer. 258-270.
- 3 – John Dewey—Experiential Maverick. 271-284.
- 4 – José Ortega y Gasset: Exuberant Steed. 285-314.
- 5 – Zhuangzi—Playful wanderer. 315-342.
2014. Part II. Essays 6-10 +Appendix. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. 8 (4): 343-584.
- 6 – Waking Up From The Cognitivist Dream—The Computational View of the Mind and High Performance. 343-373.
- 7 – Riding The Wind—Consummate Performance, Phenomenology, and Skillful Fluency. 374-419.
- 8 – Fractured Action—Choking in Sport and its Lessons for Excellence. 420-453.
- 9 – Reflections on a Katana— The Japanese Pursuit of Performative Mastery. 454-502.
- 10 – Everything Mysterious Under the Moon—Social Practices and Situated Holism. 503-566.
- Epilogue. 567
- Appendix—Much Ado About Nothing. 573-584.
- 2014. Encyclopedia Article: “Bicycles” for Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: An International Resource, 2nd Edition. Editor in Chief: J. B. Holbrook. Assoc. Editor: C. Mitcham. 207-209
- 2014. “An East-West Comparative Analysis of Mushin and Flow,” with K. Krein for a special volume Philosophy and the Martial Arts. Young; Priest (Eds.). Routledge. 2014. 139-164.
- 2014 Jogos Tradicionais: na encruzilhada entre a globalização e a preservação - um estudo de caso sobre a "Corrida de Toros". Also in English as “Traditional Games: at the Crossroads between Globalization and Preservation— A Case Study of the Running of the Bulls.” In (Org) Zimmermann, A.; Saura, S.C. Jogos Tradicionais. São Paulo: Ed. Laços. pp. 69-88. [Commissioned]
- 2014. “The Quest for Meaningful and Lifelong Learning” in Philosophy, Sport and Education: International Perspectives. M. Isidori, F.J. López Frías & A. Müller (Eds.) Roma: Sette Citá. 43-70.
- 2014,“The Philosophy of Sport in Relation to Japanese Philosophy and Pragmatism” [PI] with Fukasawa Koyo and Takemura Mizuho, in A Companion for the Philosophy of Sport. C. Torres, (Ed.) (London & New York: Bloomsbury Editions). 66-82.
- 2013. “El componente formativo en los procesos de tecnificación deportiva: Una pócima filosófica legal y moral para el rendimiento en el deporte y la vida” in Formacción, el rol del deporte en la formación del talento humano.” Claudia Roca (Ed.)(Quito, Ecuador: Ministry of Knowledge and Human Talent). 114-135.
- 2013. “Moving Wisdom: Explaining Cognition Through Movement,” in Fair Play: Journal of Sport Philosophy, Ethics and Law. 1 (1): 58-87.
- 2013. “Ortega y Gasset, José,” Entry for the International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Print and online editions. H. Lafollette (Ed.). Wiley & Blackwell.
- 2012. “A New Heart for Turkish Soccer: a MacIntyrean analysis of the beautiful game,” with Cem Kuleli. Special issue, Routledge journal Soccer & Society. 2012. 13 (5-6), 667-687.
- Anthologized in 2014. Soccer in the Middle East. Ed. A. Raab and I. Khalidi. London: Routledge. 49-68.
- 2011.“El Equipo Justo,” with C. Torres, Revista de Ciências Sociais.42 (1) Jun-Jul 2011. 27-49.
- Anthologized: 2015. Pensando la Educación Física como Área de Conocimiento: Problematizaciones pedagógicas del sujeo y el cuerpo.Ed. Adrián Ferreira. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila.
- 2011. “Weaving the Magic: Philosophy, Sports and Literature” Philosophy of Sport: International Perspectives. A. Hardman & C. Jones (Eds.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 50-71.
- 2009. “Érase una vez…las fabulosas tribulaciones filosóficas del deporte, la niñez, y la sabiduría.” In Niñez, deporte y actividad física: reflexiones filosóficas sobre una relación compleja. C. Torres (Ed.). Miño y Dávila Editores. Buenos Aires. (November 2008 in Argentina, March 2009 in Spain.) 195-230.
- 2008. “Athletic Bodies and the Bodies of Athletes: A Critique of the Sporting Build.” Proteus: A Journal of Ideas, Fall 2008. Vol. 25.2. 15-22.
- 2008. “Between the Horns. Part II: an existentialist solution to the dilemma on the running of the bulls.” Sport, Ethics, and Philosophy. Volume 2. Issue 1.18-38.
- 2007. Between the Horns. Part I: a dilemma in the interpretation of the running of the bulls.” Sport, Ethics, and PhilosophyVolume 1. Issue 3. 325-345.
- 2007. “Kant Goes Skydiving: Understanding the Extreme by way of the Sublime,” in Philosophy, Risk and Adventure Sports.Ed. Mike McNamee. Routledge.149-167.
- Anthologized: 2015. Philosophy of Sport: Critical Concepts in Sports Studies. Ed. By R, Scott Kretchmar & Peter Hopsicker. Vol. III. London: Routledge. 302-321.
- Anthologized: 2010. The Ethics of Sports. Ed. by Mike McNamee. London: Routledge. 467-48
- 2006. “Goles Trascendentales,” in ¿La pelota no dobla? Reflexiones filosóficas en torno al fútbol. Cesar R. Torres and Daniel G. Campos (Eds.). Buenos Aires: Zorzal. 25-57.
Popular Imprints [to bring philosophy to the public sphere] - Peer-Reviewed
- 2012. “Go tell the Spartans: Honor, Courage, and Excellence.” Chapter in The Olympics and Philosophy. H. Reid & M. Austin (Eds.) Kentucky University Press. 68-85.
- 2012. “On the Crest of the Wave: The Sublime, Tempestuous, Graceful, and Existential Facets of Sailing,” in Sailing—Philosophy for Everyone.Patrick Goold (Ed.). 109-121.
- 2010. “Embellishing the Ugly Side of Football,” Jesús M. Ilundáin-Agurruza and Cesar R. Torres, in Soccer & Philosophy. Ted Richards (Ed). Open Court. 185-196.
- 2010. “Life Cycles and the Stages of a Cycling Life,” inCycling—Philosophy for Everyone, Ilundáin & Austin (Eds.) Wiley & Blackwell. 253-265.
- 2010. “Taking a Shot” in Hunting—Philosophy for Everyone,N. Kowalski (Ed.), Wiley & Blackwell. 13-22
Book Reviews
- 2016.Toward a Genealogy of Spectacle: Understanding contemporary spectacular experiences. Tuncel, Y. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.
- 2014.Introduction to the Philosophy of Sport.H. Reid. 2014. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1), 177-184.
- 2012.Climbing—Philosophy for Everyone: Because it is there. Sport, Ethics, and Philosophy6 (1). 85-90.
- 2011. Gol de Media Cancha: conversaciones para disfrutar del deporte plenament.Cesar R. Torres. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (3), 2012. 396-401.
- 2011.Gol de Media Cancha: conversaciones para disfrutar del deporte plenamente. 2011. Cesar R. Torres. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores. Dilemata. 209-215. [In Spanish; different content]
- 2009.Chinese Aesthetics and Literature: A reader, by Corinne H. Dale (Ed.) Chinese Studies. Vol. 27, No. 1. 339-344.
- 2003.Philosophy and Literature: An Introduction,by Ole Martin Skilleås for the American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter. Vol. 23, No. 1. 3-5.
- 2002.Philosophy of Literature: An Introduction,by Christopher New for the American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter. Vol. 21, No. 3. Winter issue. 6-7.
- 2001. A Stoppardian review of Chris Rojek’s Leisure and Culturein One Act in Aethlon: Journal of Sport Literature. Vol. 19, No. 1. Fall Issue. 191-193.
Academic links
Academia.edu - Link to available publications online
Born and raised in Pamplona, Spain, he ran with the bulls for a number of foolish years. Today he is an avid cyclist, swimmer, and budding freediver with a passion for diving with sharks. He also enjoys sparring with his Regenyei steel longsword as I train in medieval/renaissance swordsmanship..
Natural de Pamplona, España, corrió en los encierros de toros durante unos cuantos años locos. Hoy día, es un ávido ciclista y nadador, además de apneísta en ciernes al qur le entusiasma bucear con tiburones. También disfruta mucho entrenando en esgrima medieval y renacentista, a la par que le encanta hacer ‘sparring’ con su espada de acero Regenyei.
His areas of expertise include philosophy of sport and martial arts, phenomenology, philosophy of mind, comparative philosophy (es. in relation to East Asia and Buddhism), and aesthetics. Current research is concerned with an interdisciplinary examination of expertise and human flourishing.