An Introduction

Hey Everyone! Welcome to Japan! I hope you can live vicariously through me happily through all the struggles, adventures, and stressors (mainly from school haha). I would like to start with the hardest experience I’ve had while being in this country: Getting Home From the Airport. (DUN DUN DUUUUUUNN) Everything about my flight was amazing …

November 8th-30th 2018- 十一月のイベントとオリンピックの会じょう (November Events and Olympic Venues)

(I am back home right now, but please try to bear with me as I write my last two blogs in a quick manner.) Konnichiwa! Two months have passed during my time abroad in Japan, which means it is near the homestretch of the program. This post will talk about events that happened during November. …

October 30th-November 5th 2018- 秋休み (Fall Break)

Konnichiwa! The week after Oppama Y Festa, it was fall break and everyone went off to explore on their own. I will talk about my experience during fall break. じゃあ、始めましょ! Tuesday 10/30- Fall break for KGU did not officially start until the next day, but my Japanese Cultural Studies professor decided to cancel class that …